unhardened facilities

unhardened facilities
сооружения, не защищённые от действия ядерного взрыва,

Англо-русский словарь по авиационным и ракетным базам. - М.: Военное издательство министерства обороны Союза ССР. . 1962.

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Смотреть что такое "unhardened facilities" в других словарях:

  • Tank Mark VIII — Mark VIII Liberty Place of origin …   Wikipedia

  • UGM-27 Polaris — The Polaris missile was a submarine launched, two stage solid fuel nuclear armed ballistic missile (SLBM) built during the Cold War by Lockheed for the United States Navy. It was designed to be used as part of the US Navy s contribution to the… …   Wikipedia

  • United States Department of Defense aerospace vehicle designation — A United States Department of Defense aerospace vehicle designation is determined by a detailed protocol which identifies all aircraft, helicopters, rockets, missiles, spacecraft, and other aerial vehicles in military use by the United States… …   Wikipedia

  • Korean People's Air Force — 조선인민군 공군 Korean People s Army Air Force KPAAF Flag Founded 20 August 1947 Country …   Wikipedia

  • horticulture — horticultural, adj. horticulturist, n. /hawr ti kul cheuhr/, n. 1. the cultivation of a garden, orchard, or nursery; the cultivation of flowers, fruits, vegetables, or ornamental plants. 2. the science and art of cultivating such plants. [1670… …   Universalium

  • photoengraving — /foh toh en gray ving/, n. 1. a photographic process of preparing printing plates for letterpress printing. 2. a plate so produced. 3. a print made from it. [1870 75; PHOTO + ENGRAVING] * * * Any of several processes for producing printing plates …   Universalium

  • Physical Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Scientists discovered a new family of superconducting materials and obtained unique images of individual hydrogen atoms and of a multiple exoplanet system. Europe completed the Large Hadron Collider, and China and India took… …   Universalium

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